Below are the answers to some of our most frequent questions. Our coaches are all available to elaborate or address anything that you may have questions about, or need more information on. Thanks for your interest.
Who is Fury Platinum?
Fury Platinum is an established travel softball program playing at the National level with roots in the Southeast. We have earned our reputation as a top organization in the country over the last 18 years by providing players the opportunity to compete in the game’s top levels. We are a new name in Virginia and the mid-Atlantic softball circuit being a Southeastern-based program. The home website can be found at
Why is Fury Platinum Expanding into the Mid-Atlantic Region?
Like many top organizations who build successful models, Fury Platinum is prepared to bring our knowledge and experience to young ladies across the country wishing to elevate their game and reach for the college ranks. The Fury Platinum Virginia teams operate independently and under the Leesburg Girls Softball (LGSL) umbrella with softball recruiting and skills support from the Fury Platinum home base. Fury Platinum home base runs the largest showcases in the country and establishes great relationships with the dynamic changes within the college coaching ranks. We witness the game of softball evolving and believe a set of different ideas from other parts of the country can positively affect our area. This integration of new perspectives and principles are a good way to grow the game in the mid-Atlantic. As the volume of players with college hopes explodes alongside the game’s popularity, FPVA simply intends to be another viable option for advanced players in tandem with some of our region’s best programs.

Where will my Team Be Based Out of? Where will we Play?
The teams are mostly based out of Northern VA and practice fields and indoor winter training will be localized in the area. Practice schedules are made to work for families who travel. We will play in the mid-Atlantic and throughout the East Coast. Distance is not an issue as players out of town are not expected at practices.
What Does A "Regional" Team Mean?
How far a team actually travels to play softball tournaments is generally characterized 3 ways: Local, Regional, and National. Each describes a geographic area where a team will focus their play. What determines the travel area for any given team could be the mission of the program, talent on the roster, access to showcases in different parts of the country, where a team calls home, etc. We define Local as <3 hrs. by car, Regional <5 hrs. by car, and National as having no geographical limitations, but our focus will be the mid-Atlantic and East Coast. Not every tournament is played on the outskirts of these ranges, all teams play locally at one point or another. Our 16U and 18U programs will identify as Regional and/or National to take advantage of higher profile tournaments on the East Coast.

Does Fury Platinum Have "Connections" For Players to Get Recruited
Of course, any organization that professes to help kids navigate the recruiting trail should have college connections, experience helping to place players, and thus a track record of alumni. As an organization we run the largest showcases in the country which helps us keep in touch with the dynamic changes in the college coaching and recruiting rules. The Fury Platinum organization has had over 250+ of its players go on to play in college (see our Alumni page here), and leadership has built relationships across the country for well over 20 years, particularly on the East Coast, Northeast, and mid-Atlantic.
But having organizational connections can only provide a player so much, it is on the player to own the process. Recruiting is a holistic process that involves many parts working together over time. Fury Platinum advises players and families on how to help themselves first, which is key to making your own connections easier. Our value proposition is simple: to provide a high-level development, a proven framework for achieving success during the recruiting process, foster opportunities through competitive play, and to help open doors for those who want/earn it. It’s up to the player to execute.
Have More Questions?
Reach out to us at If you would prefer to have a conversation with a coach or director, you may do so at a tryout or directly via phone/email.